Newtown Comments
Newtown, Connecticut
Newtown, Connecticut

Norm lived in Bethel near Newtown for seventeen years and was a deacon
in a Newtown church for some of that time.
Sunday at church he shared the comments of one of his Newtown friends:

Sue Vogelman taught ten years at Sandy Hook Elementary School
and now directs the Sunday school at her church, the tall stone church
in the above photo of Newtown. She also is accompanying pianist
for Sandy Hook Elementary School's 4th grade chorus.
She reported that Friday night, every church in Newtown held prayer
services and that every church was full.

And here is a photo of those Sandy Hook Elementary School 4th
graders in their Thursday night concert singing, with Sue playing piano for them,
in the same auditorium where the President would be speaking three days later,
and where Norm enjoyed a performance of "Anything Goes" several years ago:
( They will be singing "America the Beautiful" before the 2/3/13 Superbowl ! )

Link to video of Sandy Hook Elementary School 4th grade chorus

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